Hola Chicas! I’m Mari


Hola Chicas!

My name is Marisol, and I’ve traveled to more countries in the past decade than most people do their entire lives. Traveling has been such a pillar in my life, that it’s difficult to recall who I was before all the passport stamps and wild adventures.

THIS blog has been an idea churning in the back of my mind for many years, and it’s crazy to think it’s taken me this long create it. I was simply full of excuses, but one day I just did it! So here we are, the first post on my brand. new. BLOG! (I can’t believe I am FINALLY saying those words!).

Now, you are probably wondering….


The Beginning: Bootcamp Graduation - 1996

Who is this Chica?!

That would be me, a first generation Mexican-American, a Navy Veteran, self-proclaimed travel ‘expert,’ and honorary recipient of the Best Tia ‘Auntie’ award (my proudest achievement, yet). 

Way before bills, health insurance, sunscreen, and GMOs were a concern, I was sailing across the globe onboard an aircraft carrier. 

While living on a ship may sound incredibly interesting, sharing a small compartment with 6,000 crew members was anything but peachy; yet I LOVED being out to sea because it meant I was on a voyage to explore the world. The anticipation of knowing I was going to immerse myself in different cultures, tour different regions, meet new strangers, and pay top dollar for a ‘must-sip’ national drink (true story)—all of it ignited my soul. After a while, my tiny living quarters, right next to 70+ other Chicas, didn’t even matter anymore, because it was such a small price to pay for all the incredible experiences I was coming by.  It was FASCINATING to try authentic foreign dishes, observe the latest fashion trends from around the world, learn about different customs and traditions, embrace cultural etiquette, and discover so many languages— simply Everything!

Never would have I considered that joining the NAVY would become such a rewarding experience. Leading up to my enlistment, I didn’t know much about other cultures outside my own bubble and surroundings. Sprinkle a few trips over the years into Mexico to visit family, with a couple road trips here in the states, and that pretty much covered my travel experiences then.

I was a true Sailor - I “proudly” lived up to our legacy - and admit that I may have spent a little too much money at some of the bars! But it was a liberating and exciting time in my life! I only wish I had the foresight to have taken more pictures, to relive, show, and share all those special moments!


My NAVY BFF and I in Singapore

The NAVY brought on a travel itch, so after my military career came to an end, it was only natural for me to continue to feed my travel bug. Only this time, my travels would be extended and indefinite visits; I’d do whatever came my way, immerse myself in the local culture, and expand on my own experiences.

I didn’t know how or where I’d start, but I knew that I needed to start somewhere. So, I decided to work, save, and travel… and I literally just repeat this cycle over and over again.

Since then, my wanderlust has taken me to many captivating and fun-filled adventures in more than 60 countries, spanning across 6 continents! I’ve traveled solo, at other times with my Chicas; in the company of a man, and with a group of fellow wanderers.

Because of all my traveling, more and more friends were constantly reaching out to me for advice on how they should plan their trips or where they could research ticket prices. I had been traveling so frequently, for so many years, yet I was oblivious to the fact that I had gained so much insight on all the travel ‘trade secrets.’ It was then, that I realized that I wanted EVERYONE to have the opportunity to travel, and see what the world has to offer…

Alas! Chica on a Trip was born.

I’ve taken all the notes that I’ve composed throughout the years, all my travel tips and hacks, all of my stories, and I’ve created this blog. My goal isn’t to just recount the adventures I’ve had (I’ll definitely share those too), but to tangibly help, anyone and everyone pioneer their own adventures.

I started out with just an idea and my passion to explore … and with those two things I’ve been able to transform myself into the traveling Chica that you see today. Traveling is a pleasure, and at times it can be unnerving, but it is rewarding. It is possible, for anyone to travel, on any budget, to destinations near and far!

…... and I am here to show you where, when, and how.

Now, without further ado - LET’S TRAVEL!


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