STEP Program & Travel Safety

With so many catastrophic events constantly going on in the world, one can never be too careful! And if you are like me, who NEVER watches TV or listens to the radio, you probably often miss worldwide events, the latest tragic stories, and vital travel information. So, when planning a trip abroad, for your well-being and security, it is EXTREMELY important that you remain safe, alert, and informed, in case of serious and major emergencies, which is why I ALWAYS register with the Smart Travel Enrollment Program (STEP) before going on ANY trip.


It is a FREE US Government service that you’ve NEVER heard of, and didn't know you NEEDED, until NOW!

It is managed by the State Department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs, and its purpose is to provide enrolling US Citizens traveling and/or living abroad with safety measures, security advisories, travel conditions, and to render assistance during a crisis. It is a form of communication, so that you can stay informed, connected, and safe while visiting and/or residing in ANY country in the world! 

By voluntarily registering with STEP, you will receive complimentary and important details directly from the nearest US Embassy/Consulate office located in the area that you are visiting! 

STEP, with the help of US Embassies across the globe, also offer evacuation efforts in case of a natural disaster, civil unrest, political instability, disease outbreaks, violent attacks, and/or terrorist threats. And should there also be family emergency while you are abroad, STEP will make every effort to contact and locate you.



Simply create an account, enter the information requested, and provide complete details about your upcoming trip. That’s it!!!] It’s really that EASY! Once you register, you will receive safety alerts and travel advisories, for your programmed destination! You can always modify your trip, and add several countries, at any given time, if needed.

If you are traveling with others, you have the option of including additional travelers to your trip, but it is advisable to have each person create their own account, so that STEP can have each traveler’s complete emergency contact information. Or, if you are traveling with a big group, you can also create an Organization/Group account.


They are travel alerts that are automatically generated and delivered directly into your email inbox, as soon as you enter your travel destinations. The advisories are what I personally love the most about STEP because there’s an advisory for every country in the world, they are categorized into four-level travel risk tiers, AND they are updated in real-time! It is such an amazing feature, as these advisories provide details about your visiting country in regards to crime rates, violence, high-covid infected areas, among many other pre-cautionary details…etc.

Please review below details and click on the link to view the four-level advisories set by the US Government;

Level 1 - Exercise Normal Precautions: This is the lowest advisory level for safety and security risk. There is some risk in any international travel. Conditions in other countries may differ from those in the United States and may change at any time.       

Level 2 - Exercise Increased Caution: Be aware of heightened risks to safety and security. The Department of State provides additional advice for travelers in these areas in the Travel Advisory. Conditions in any country may change at any time.  

Level 3 - Reconsider Travel: Avoid travel due to serious risks to safety and security. The Department of State provides additional advice for travelers in these areas in the Travel Advisory. Conditions in any country may change at any time. 

Level 4 – Do Not Travel: This is the highest advisory level due to greater likelihood of life-threatening risks. During an emergency, the U.S. government may have very limited ability to provide assistance. The Department of State advises that U.S. citizens not travel to the country or to leave as soon as it is safe to do so. The Department of State 


I wanna share that I have personally benefitted from these travel advisories:

A few years ago, during my trip to Germany, I received an alert about riots, looting and violent demonstrations that had just incited in Munich. Thankfully, I had just left the area, but had I remained on site, I could have been caught up in the protests! Had it not been for STEP, I would not been made aware of the situation, and would have possibly required emergency assistance.

Which brings me to another key and extremely vital piece of information regarding travel safety! Should you find yourself in need of urgent and immediate assistance, you MUST know how to dial and ask for help! 

Did know that not every country uses “911” as its emergency contact number??? Probably Not! Because I didn’t when I initially started traveling! Frankly, I hadn’t even considered the importance, until my 1st of many near “death” experiences! I SERIOUSLY have more lives than a cat! I may sound like I’m overreacting, because I do like being dramatic LOL, but being the victim of an attempted kidnap at a mall in Dubai, having a coconut fall and almost cracking your skull in Panama, being ‘almost’ dragged by a metro in Paris, being swept away by a ravaging river in Costa Rica, or getting hit by bike in Brazil were all true and extremely frightening moments, in which “911” could have potentially been called….But HOW? By WHO? And WHAT would have been said if English‐speaking operators were not available? 

Obviously, and thankfully, I survived! But what was more terrifying and concerning was that NO-ONE in my group knew how to ask for help!! Just Me! And I was always seemed to be the “targeted victim” haha!

So, YES, friends, knowing the emergency number for your visiting country is VERY IMPORTANT!! This little piece of information could literally save your life!  

And I hate to add more and complicate things further, but be advised that NOT every country activates all emergency services by dialing ONE number, like it does here in the States,

For example in…

Japan: 110 Police and 119 Ambulance and Fire.

UK: 999

EU: 112

Israel: 100 Police, 101 Ambulance, and 102 Fire

Australia: 000

So, unsure that you unlock your phone AND turn on your data roaming capabilities, for dialing access—in case of an emergency!  To assist you, here’s a handy reference list of emergency contact numbers in foreign countries.


Should you find yourself in a bad situation while traveling and/or living abroad that is NOT life-threatening, the US Embassy can still help! For example, they offer notary services, and if your passport gets lost or stolen, they can assist you in obtaining a replacement; they can also provide names of English-speaking doctors in case of medical concern, and they can locate a local attorney if you run into legal issues.

However, please note that most locations have set operating hours for non-emergencies, but they are always available to assist during a crisis; however, there may be limited ability to render immediate aid during country-wide emergencies. For more information, visit


Click here:

Enter the country you will be visiting in the search tab, select the correct link (usually the first or second option), and scroll down and expand the US Embassy and Consulate section to view the details.

For detailed information about the services, entry/exit requirements, safety & security, and travel alerts, feel free to explore the State Department’s page for a specific country.


For your information, smaller countries may only have ONE Embassy, whereas others will have a US Embassy, AND several General Consulate Offices and/or Consular Expansion Agencies.  Please click here to view a map

As a summary: 

- STEP should be utilized as a first step in planning your trip! It only takes a few minutes; it’s an easy way to stay connected, and it can be extremely beneficial! 

- It is a resourceful tool that ought to be considered a MUST, and a common practice when traveling and/or residing abroad.

- In case of a riot, terrorist attack, or medical emergency, the US Government can assist, protect, and/or evacuate you through US Embassies and consulates all over the world. I hope you never find yourself in need, but if you run into a crisis, the local Embassy and/or Consulate will be notified that there is an American in their jurisdiction that needs assistance! C’mon Chicas and Chicos, what other country offers such an amazing FREE service, and will come get you during an emergency? 

The mission of US Embassies is to assist ALL Americans around the world, at any moments’ notice; however, keep in mind that the US Department of State won’t know you are traveling or residing abroad, unless you are registered through STEP! So, go ahead, create a FREE account, and enter your next travel destination!

Good luck and safe travels!


Hola Chicas! I’m Mari


Traveling During COVID-19