Traveling During COVID-19



Coronavirus (COVID-19), undoubtedly the most hated word/acronym of our lifetime.

The COVID pandemic viciously changed the world, ignited a healthcare crisis, turned our entire lives upside down, and is utterly responsible for the millions of heartfelt losses; it caused financial hardships, created pandemonium, and instilled ‘fear’, like none-other. 

Most countries closed their borders and went into full-forced lockdowns, streets became dormant, cruises came to a halt, airports were completely shut down, and tourism plunged, which not only devastated the travel industry, but also caused significant global revenue declines.

For places like Mexico and the Caribbean Islands, which are among the most popular travel destinations and heavily rely on international visitors to sustain their employment workforce, COVID severely and directly impacted their GDP economic contributions, due to the lack of tourism.

Many of my foreign friends, who work in the travel industry, were hit hard and fast—they literally had NO source of income, and handful of them are still dealing with the financial remnants of the pandemic. Nonetheless, they are extremely happy, grateful, and thrilled that tourism has [somewhat] resumed. 

So, with all this being said, what does this mean for people like you and me, who have itchy feet, have no essential business traveling right NOW, but desperately wanna jump ship, catch a flight, get outta town, and hit up a new country? The answer is simple: get fully vaccinated OR be prepared to take a COVID test. Every. Single. Time! 

If you are not deterred from traveling cause you’re ‘down’ and ready to go, the next step is for you to think about the following: Where do you wanna go? What are the entry requirements? What are your options? What are your limitations? What do you do?  And how will you do it?

With many countries reopening, lifting travel bans (with health & safety restrictions in place, off course), and allowing tourists (but only from certain countries) to visit with proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test, there are still many variables that come into play: For example, some countries are NOT allowing unvaccinated tourists to enter. Period!! No exceptions!! As an expanded safeguard, others are requiring mandatory quarantine periods upon arriving—regardless of vaccination proof or negative COVID test. Several other countries are requiring visitors to purchase travel insurance, BUT read the policy beforehand, for some offer minimal coverage, and may not entirely cover COVID-related costs. 

For this Blog entry, I wanna focus on those that have not received the vaccine! So, if this applies to you, take notes because the rest are IMPORTANT and CRUCIAL details:

If you are NOT vaccinated, please be advised that NOT every country (Canada), state (Hawaii), or US Territory (Puerto Rico) allows visitors to enter with just ANY negative COVID test—it must be CORRECT one and taken within the specified time, which is outlined as five (5) days, three (3) days, 72 hours, or 48 hours of departure! Did you know that?


Many of you are probably blown right now and had NO idea, until you started reading this blog, that there were different types of COVID tests OR in many cases that if your child is over the age of two, he/she must also provide proof of a negative COVID test!! So yes, Amigos, NOT ALL COVID TESTS ARE CREATED EQUAL, and if you wanna travel abroad, and are NOT vaccinated, you will NEED to take a COVID test, and you MUST verify WHICH test is required.


So, what’s difference, you might asking? Well, let’s focus on the two major types of viral tests used in the US: the nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) and Antigen tests. NAATs are molecular tests that detect genetic material. Antigen tests are immunoassays that detect specifics proteins.


If you don’t care what each test does, and all you wanna know is what type of test is required, keep reading… I am here to guide you! First and foremost, you MUST determine if the territory, region, or country that you want to visit is open, before you begin anything. And how do you find that out? Simply search for the OFFICIAL tourism/government webpage for that country/region (the site WILL say official page).


SIDE NOTE: While there are several great and reliable websites, and their information may often be correct, I will always advise you to check the official government, tourism, and embassy sites, as they will offer you the most- up-to-date details.


Secondly, locate the entry/exit requirements related to COVID-19. DO NOT SKIM THROUGH THE DETAILS! Read and review everything—it will provide you with all the details you need, to make your entry a smooth process. Allow me to share a GREAT example outlining the importance of verifying the entry requirements BEFORE you depart: I know a group of people who were ‘over the rainbow’ and recently, wearing their Hawaiian shirts, pretty flowers in their hair, leis around their necks, and coconut drinks in-hand, had plans to attend a wedding in Hawaii. It was apparent that many of the unvaccinated guests had not reviewed the State of Hawaii’s official COVID-19 webpage—and they should have—because they were not ‘allowed’ to attend the wedding and came right back to mainland! And why do you think that happened? You guessed it: sadly, they had NOT taken the correct COVID test!


 While Hawaii is a US state and there aren’t any ‘real’ travel restrictions from state to state, Hawaii has very specific entry requirements: ALL visitors must register and create account with the State of Hawaii Travel portal, complete a health questionnaire, download a safe-alert app (and a few others), upload your CDC vaccination record card, OR print and upload a negative COVID test performed by a Hawaii state-approved test provider. WHAT!?! Yes!!! It is true, my Chicas y Chicos! Hawaii will ONLY accept the Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT), taken within 72 hours of departure, performed by a certified Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA), from one of their trusted testing and travel partners. After all that, you must then apply (online) for a quarantine exemption, obtain a QR code, and optionally get pre-cleared during check-in to avoid the long lines upon arriving in Hawaii!



If all this just sounds too crazy and you wanna bypass all this work, just go to Mexico—they don’t require anything LOL


But bottom line is:

Ensure that you are taking the correct COVID test (per the entry guidelines), and that you will be receiving your test results fast! In some cases, you may get them back too fast and then the results will not be considered valid (it happened to me in 2020, I had to go back two days later and pay for the rapid re-test); at other times, results may take too long, which also happened to me last year: our vacation rental required a negative test for all guests, but I didn’t get my results until the morning after, via an automated telephone call!! No email or text, just a regular a phone call, which is also NOT a great way to deliver results, as it makes difficult to prove that you tested negative. Very annoying! So, please get tested at the correct location!


So, to wrap it up and help you a bit more, below are some one-liner tips and key deets:

1. Read the Fine Print!

 If you are concerned with potentially “losing money” if you test positive before a trip, simply book hotels that offer free cancelations. Many airlines will issue credits and/or full refunds with proof of POSITIVE test results.

2. Plan & Be Prepared!

  If you wanna ensure that you get your results on time, you may want to consider getting (and paying) for a rapid COVID test

3. Get Used to Carrying Your Results!

Be prepared to have your temperature taken, pump a handful of hand-sanitizer into your palms, and show your negative results. At all times.

4. Follow the Mask Mandates!

You WILL be required to wear  your mask throughout the entire flight, vaccinated or not, so please don’t be THAT chica or chico. We all just wanna get there!

5.  Be Compliant!

 If required, be compliant, remove your shoes, walk through the sterilization stations, and disinfect your belongings when you check-in to your hotel and/or arrive at a restaurant.

6. Check the VA!

If you are a Veteran, like me, the VA typically requires an appointment for COVID testing, so plan ahead.

7.  Know Where to Go!

Some countries have completely banned tourists from entering certain areas, so keep in mind that some locations may be off limits.

8. Don’t Forget About Re-Entry!

 US Citizens and lawful permanent residents, WILL be required to present a negative COVID test upon arrival to the States, so click on the below link to view the re-entry requirements.

9. Go Digital!

Some locations require Digital Vaccination Certificates and/or negative COVID test results to be uploaded prior to departure.

10.   Check Hotel Rules!

Many hotels and vacation rentals are also now requiring proof of vaccination and/or negative COVID test results.


And last, but certainly not least:

I am not a medical professional—nor could I ever be—they are the elite of the elite; hence, I highly encourage you to verify which vaccine option, and/or COVID test is best for you. Some of the info contained in this blog is based on my personal knowledge and research; some may have changed, and/or may no longer be accurate. Please ensure you do your own diligence!

Be safe and happy travels!!


STEP Program & Travel Safety